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Population Research Center

Zurich Population Research Conference

Uniting Population Research Across Disciplines: Novel Approaches, Innovative Strategies, and Mutual Learning 

January 20-21, 2025

The Call for Abstracts is now closed.

The University of Zurich's Population Research Center (UZH PRC) is currently reviewing submissions for the inaugural Zurich Population Research Conference 2025, to be held from January 20-21, 2025, at the University of Zurich in Switzerland.

The Zurich Population Research Conference is an interdisciplinary event focusing on integrative and innovative approaches to a wide range of population-related topics. With the aim of learning from other disciplines and advancing research excellence in population studies, the conference brings together international population researchers and experts from diverse fields. We encourage all researchers engaged in population-based studies, irrespective of their disciplines and backgrounds, to apply. 

Abstract Submission Closed (Deadline: July 12, 2024, review underway)

Population Research: Population research entails the systematic study of groups of individuals, with the aim of understanding their distinct characteristics, behaviors, and patterns. Population researchers employ various methods to gather data, such as surveys, interviews, or observations, and typically utilize statistical analysis to derive insights about the targeted population. Spanning across many disciplines and embracing interdisciplinary collaboration, population-based research adopts diverse perspectives and uses many methods to explore and understand human populations comprehensively. If this definition resonates with your research, we encourage you to apply for the conference! 

Conference Theme: The conference focuses on presenting the latest developments in cutting-edge methods and approaches in population-level research across different fields, while also fostering interdisciplinary networks. Interdisciplinary population research holds significance for academia, policymakers, and society at large. Given the complexity of population dynamics and issues influenced by various social, economic, environmental, and cultural factors, interdisciplinary approaches enable researchers to explore these complexities comprehensively, ensuring a holistic understanding of human population characteristics. Collaborative efforts across disciplines can lead to innovative approaches and breakthroughs in population research, providing new insights, methods, technologies, and a deeper understanding of population dynamics and their societal implications. 

Date January 20-21, 2025
Location University of Zurich, City Campus

Keynote Speakers

  • Melinda Mills (Nuffield College, University of Oxford)
  • Emilio Zagheni (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research) 

Topics: The conference topics include: 

  • Innovation in methodological approaches to population research 

  • Examples of interdisciplinary approaches to population research 

  • Participatory approaches to health research 

  • Mental health 

  • Studies related to outcomes in school-aged children and adolescents 

  • Life course: methods and approaches to studying trajectories in outcomes over time 

  • Research in populations with migration background 

  • Datasets and possible research opportunities 

  • Building population datasets through (digital) participation and citizen science  

  • AI and machine learning in population research 

  • And other topics related to human populations 

Opportunities at the Conference: The primary aims for attending the Zurich Population Research Conference include gaining insights into the most recent population-level research and connecting with professionals from various disciplines. The conference offers a unique opportunity to network with national and international colleagues, to engage with population researchers from diverse disciplines, and to learn from other disciplines. Through interdisciplinary and interactive sessions, the conference aims to generate new ideas around population research, promote mutual learning, and encourage collaboration across disciplines. 

Submission Guidelines: We welcome submissions in the following format: 

  • Please submit a title and an abstract of up to 300 words. Abstracts should include research objectives, methodology, mention the population data sample (if applicable), key findings, and a results discussion.  

  • To ensure broad participation, only one submission as a presenting author is allowed. 

  • Submissions will undergo review by the conference committee, focusing on relevance to population studies, methodology, and originality. 

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: July 12, 2024 (23:59 CET)

Accepted presenters are expected to give an approximately 12-minute presentation in one of the panel sessions, followed by Q&A session. Presenters are not required to provide a full paper before the conference, as is common in some population-based disciplines. 

Please note: There are no other formats of contribution (e.g., no posters or symposia). 

Important Dates: 

  • May 15, 2024: The call for abstracts opens 

  • July 12, 2024: Deadline for abstract submissions 

  • August 23, 2024: Notification of acceptance 

  • December 18, 2024: Registration deadline 

  • January 20-21, 2025: Conference dates 

Conference Format: The conference will be held in person on January 20-21, 2025, at the University of Zurich's City Campus historic auditorium, accommodating up to 100 participants. The event will feature keynote speeches from renowned experts in the field, followed by plenary sessions that address overarching themes in population research. Additionally, thematic panels will provide opportunities for in-depth discussions and presentations on specific topics, allowing participants to engage with cutting-edge research from various disciplines. Throughout the conference, there will be ample opportunities for interdisciplinary networking, fostering collaboration and exchange among attendees. 

Registration Information: Conference fees are CHF 100 (CHF 50 for PhD students and below), covering access to all sessions, coffee and lunch breaks, and the conference dinner. 

PRC Scholarships: The UZH Population Research Center offers 10 scholarships covering travel and hotel costs for PhD students or Postdocs with accepted paper presentations. Priority is given to participants from low- and middle-income countries. Please indicate in the submission form if you are applying for a PRC scholarship. Applications should include a motivation letter (maximum 1/2 page) and CV, combined in one PDF file, and will be judged by the PRC Executive Board.

Organizers: Conference Committee from the University of Zurich: 

Contact Information: University of Zurich Population Research

PRC_Conference2025_Call (PDF, 1 MB)
